Includes ground- and space-based measurements and related technology developments.

(Source: ESA TD 11A)


  1. Ground-based Radar Measurements of Debris and Meteoroids: Beam-park experiments, observation and performance modelling for tracking and surveillance sensors, comparison of  measurements and models. Processing of radar tracking data e.g. to reconstitute orbits of uncorrelated objects for operational collision avoidance and anomaly resolution.
  2. Ground-based Optical Measurements of Debris and Meteoroids: High-altitude surveys for faint objects. Follow-up and catalogue maintenance of objects in high-altitude orbits. Development and operation of planning and processing software for optical measurements of artificial objects. Orbit determination and observations for anomaly resolution. Planning and performance analysis for optical space-based sensors.
  3. In situ Radar and Optical Measurements of Debris and Meteoroids: Space-based radar and optical detection techniques to characterize the small-particle environment. Development, flight and data evaluation.