Decision support focuses on the area of supporting the user in making complex decisions. Decision support facilities consists of mechanisms to sense the outside world and present this in an understandable format to the user and of mechanisms to support the user in performing complex tasks. Improved sensor technology
and Multi-sensor data fusion techniques have led to better information availability and an increased situation awareness of pilots, air traffic controllers, and other users of aerospace systems. On-board decision support functions for pilots, decision support systems for air traffic controllers, and so on, are becoming of crucial importance for the completion of their missions. Links with ‘ATM automated support’.

(Source: ACARE Domain 618)


  1. User task modelling
  2. (Intelligent) user interface
  3. Situation assessment
  4. Planning & monitoring (Sequencing, Time scheduling, Mission planning support, Flow planning, Resource allocation, Feedback control, Guidance)
  5. Crew assistant
  6. Traffic flow optimisation