Enhanced Aeronautical Concurrent Engineering: provide a generic development lifecycle to increase understanding between collaborating companies to:

  • Reduce time to bring new product to market.
  • Reduce costs.

Collaboration between aeronautical sectors, without (immediately) adapting or changing company tools which leads to a secure and reliable exchange of information between geographically distributed companies (e.g. Internet). Therefore collaborative work will be enhanced between distributed sites, by getting rid of geographical and cultural barriers. This will be achieved by using a Common virtual environment in which anyone can communicate and work with anyone else as in face to face meeting. It provides standardised collaborative work methods and organisational rules for meeting, email, telephone, reviews, memo exchange, gives organisational constraints on skills and responsibilities required and rules for co-located work and distant work.


(Source: ACARE Domain 601)


  1. Virtual Enterprise
  2. Secure IT infrastructure
  3. Workflow management systems
  4. Virtual environments for collaborative working
  5. Product Lifecycle interaction
  6. Virtual Conferencing