Includes Factory design, data collection and management, operation and planning, from real time to long term optimization approaches


Develop complete toolbox and concepts for a digital factory with and integrated end-to-end approach.

(Source: SMART report, paragraph 4.1.5)


  1. Simulation techniques in manufacturing and assembly processes to increase ergonomics, first-time -right and production rates
  2. Evolution of machinery, integrating operation simulations in design: new processes, new machine tools and developing software with new features
  3. Robotised automation and synchronisation with internal logistics
  4. Use of big data and evolutionary algorithms for processes diagnosis, monitoring & control as well as predictive maintenance
  5. Development of simulation and management tools that permit better integration of the different phases of the production process
  6. Complete trackability and traceability of tools, production progress and products in real time
  7. Autonomous and intelligent coordination of supply chain and demand management
  8. E2E data backbone for complete integration of production systems
  9. Cybersecurity and secured concepts for communications and cloud computing