To reduce the risk of aircraft colliding with each other, or by undertaking Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT), aircraft are fitted with an array of collision warning systems. Note that human aspects of responses to warning system alerts are dealt with in the «Human Factors» research and technology area, and fire protection warning systems are dealt with later in this Area.

(Source: ACARE Domain 404)



  1. Sensors. ground collision avoidance (GPWS)
  2. Sensors. airborne collision avoidance systems (ACAS)
  3. Alerting systems (audio, warning lights, displays. map view, profile view, 3D perspective view)
  4. Integrated terrain awareness and warning systems
  5. Turbulence warning. windshear, wake vortex, clear air turbulence
  6. Ground and airborne detection of meteorological icing conditions
  7. Integration of airborne detection with atmospheric data received from outside the aircraft for real-time crew information and for transmission to other users
  8. False alarm reduction