Contains all sub-domains relating to airport ATC, traffic management and ATM-related airport systems and operations.
(Source: ACARE Domain 708)
- Airport Capacity and Runway Utilisation: Airport Capacity, Runway Capacity, Runway Utilisation, Taxiway Capacity, Airport Throughput, Airport Capacity Optimisation, Mixed-mode Operations, Parallel Runway Operations, Runway incursion, Wildlife hazards, Birds, Low Visibility.
Comments: Airport capacity and runway utilisation related R&D, including capacity studies, airport capacity modelling and measurement, runway incursion monitoring, management of wildlife hazards, airport capacity in low visibility conditions
- Approach Aids and Procedures: ILS, Microwave Landing Systems, MLS, Controlled Flight Into Terrain, CFIT, GPS Approaches, WADGPS, LADGPS, GNSS Approaches, Pseudolite, CAT 1, CAT 2, CAT 3a,b,c, Precision Approach, AWOP, Autoland, Enhanced Vision Systems, SIDs, STARs, low visibility approach and landing.
Comments: Approach, Landing and Departure aids and procedures : safety and validation of subsystems, monitoring. Includes the application of GNSS and augmentation systems to approach and landing, also approach and landing and departure in low visibility conditions.
- Airport ATC and Information Systems: Integrated Airport Information Systems, ATIS, Wireless airport communications system, Airport LAN, Gatelink.
Comments: Application interface between Airports and Wide Area Networks (WANS) for gate-to-gate ATM. Information services provided by the airport, e.g. ATIS.
- Surface Movement Guidance and Control: Taxiing, Manoeuvring Area, Taxiway, Pre-departure Clearance, Push-back, Ground Trajectory, Tower Control, Airport Surveillance, SMGC, A-SMCGS.
Comments: ground movement surveillance, Airport ATC systems. Covers issues of aircraft identification during taxiing. Low visibility issues for surface movements, separation of aircraft and ground mobiles and obstacles.
Browsing taxonomies
Upper level
Sections at this level
- 01 Overall ATM
- 02. Airspace Management
- 03 Flow and Capacity Management
- 04 Communications and Systems Technology
- 05 Navigation Systems
- 06 Surveillance Sensor Systems
- 07 ATM Automated Support
- 08 Airport Traffic Management
- 09 Airport Operations
- 10 Airline Operations
- 11 Meteorological
- 12 R&D Management and Co-ordination