Contains all sub-domains relating to communications technology and systems.
(Source: ACARE Domain 704)
- ATN & Communication Architecture: Aeronautical Communications Network, ATN, Network Architecture, Communications Architecture, ISO OSI Communications, Network Management.
Comments: overall design, interfaces, system standards, specifications, network management, validation and safety of subsystems.
- Satellite Communication Sub-network: Satellite Communications, Satellite Datalink, Satellite sub-network, Satellite Communications Security, Satellite Communications Integrity.
Comments: overall design, interfaces, system standards, specifications, validation and safety of subsystems.
- VHF Data Link and Voice Sub-network: VHF Datalink, VDL, VHF Voice, 8.33 kHz, VHF Digitised Voice Communications, VHF communications integrity, VHF Sub-network, VHF communications security, VHF Frequencies, VDL Mode 1, VDL Mode 2, VDL Mode 3, VDL Mode 4, STDMA.
Comments: VHF data link and voice sub-networks and technologies for all modes of VHF communications. Includes overall design, interfaces, specifications, validation and safety of subsystems.
- Mode-S Datalink Sub-network: Mode-S Datalink, Mode-S Sub-network, Mode-S SARPS, Mode-S Communications Integrity, Air-Air datalink, Broadcast Datalink.
Comments: overall design, interfaces, system standards, specifications, validation and safety of subsystems. Includes Mode-S technology for air-air (ACAS) datalink and broadcast (ADS-B).
- Ground Network: Ground Networks, Ground Sub-networks, Network Management, Communications Routers, WANs, Gateways, Internet, ARTAS, Voice networks, AHMS.
Comments: overall design, WAN interfaces, system standards, specifications, validation and safety of subsystems. Includes ground communications networks for: voice, data and radar data distribution, (e.g. ARTAS), and ATN ground sub-networks and ATN internet/backbone.
Browsing taxonomies
Upper level
Sections at this level
- 01 Overall ATM
- 02. Airspace Management
- 03 Flow and Capacity Management
- 04 Communications and Systems Technology
- 05 Navigation Systems
- 06 Surveillance Sensor Systems
- 07 ATM Automated Support
- 08 Airport Traffic Management
- 09 Airport Operations
- 10 Airline Operations
- 11 Meteorological
- 12 R&D Management and Co-ordination