Activity on buckling consists of the development, improvement and validation of experimental and numerical methods for the prediction of buckling phenomenon and optimisation of structural components (metallic and composite materials) in aerospace domain. Vibrations and Vibro-Acoustics: Objectives of the structural dynamic are to determine the dynamic behaviour of structural systems excited by external or internal forces (mechanical, aerodynamics or acoustic) in order to guarantee the integrity of the structure in the environment and the comfort of the users. The objectives of the vibroacoustics are the same for a structure coupled with a fluid. Two types of problems can be consider. The first type concerns the internal noise generated by vibrating structures. The second type concerns the acoustic discretion where the external noise is generated by vibrating structure. The studies concern the physical understanding of the mechanic and acoustic phenomena’s, their description, their quantification with theoretical, numerical and experimental means.
(Source: ACARE Domain 207)
- Structural dynamics:
- Structural dynamic modelling: Material modelling (viscoelastic media, composites, multilayer structure); Numerical method( (Analytical, Finite Element analysis), Statistic Energy Analysis); Linear and non linear analysis; Damping modelling; Structure internal fluid interaction (sloshing).
- Multibody dynamics modelling: Kinematics and dynamics of rigid and flexible components
- Stress Waves in Solids: Waves propagation
- Structural Model updating
- Dynamic Structural optimisation
- Shocks and vibrations: Transient response, Low frequency range, Medium and high frequency ranges
- Random Vibrations in Structural Mechanics: Linear and non-linear systems, Random excitation (turbulence, noise, acoustic)
- Experimental Methods in Vibrations: Vibration properties of materials, Vibration technique in nondestructive testing, Systems excitations, transducers, Data acquisition, Signal processing and analysis,
- Experimental Modal Analysis, FRF measurements
- Elasto-acoustic:
- Material properties: Homogeneous material, composites, viscoelastic media, multilayer, etc.; Acoustic material
- Modelling: Analytical approaches, Finite element analysis, Boundary Element analysis, Statistic Energy Analysis
- Sound Structure Interaction: Acoustic propagation, Acoustic radiation, Acoustic transmission through structures, Acoustic reflection from elastics structures, Acoustic excitation, Acoustic fatigue, Structure and fluid damping
- Experimental Identification
Browsing taxonomies
Upper level
Sections at this level
- 01 Metallic Materials & basic processes
- 02 Non-Metallic Materials & basic processes
- 03 Composite Materials & basic processes
- 04 Advanced Manufacturing Processes & Technologies
- 05 Structural Analysis and Design
- 06 Aeroelasticity
- 07 Buckling, Vibrations and Acoustics
- 08 Smart Materials and Structures
- 09 Structures behaviour and Material Testing
- 10 Internal Noise prediction
- 11 Helicopter Aeroacoustics
- 12 Noise Reduction
- 13 Acoustic Measurements and Test Technology
- 14 Aircraft Security