Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) consists in the development, validation, and use of software tools for the numerical simulation of fluid flows past aerodynamic vehicles. CFD is a discipline necessitating the knowledge of applied mathematics, fluid dynamics and computer sciences. Different levels of modelling are used for solving the governing partial differential equations of fluid flows (incompressible or
compressible, inviscid or viscous…). Physical models have to be validated and calibrated by comparison with experimental data.
Geometry of flow domain and boundary and initial conditions must be taken into account properly. Discretised equations are solved through numerical schemes and algorithms aiming at accuracy, efficiency and robustness. The computer codes are run on scalar or parallel computers along the following steps: After the grid generation (or adaptation), the CFD solver is run before post-processing and visualisation of the results. CFD is used for understanding physics by flow analysis, for performance prediction of complex aerodynamic configurations and for flow control or optimum design studies.
(Source: ACARE Domain 101)
- Physical modelling (turbulent, reactive flows…)
- Development of numerical schemes and algorithms
- Development and production of CFD software
- Validation of CFD software
- Grid generation and adaptation
- High Performance computing (vector and parallel processing)
- Complex CFD applications
Browsing taxonomies
Upper level
Sections at this level
- 01 Computational Fluid Dynamics
- 02 Unsteady aerodynamics
- 03 Aeronautical Propulsion Integration
- 04 Airflow Control
- 05 High Lift Devices
- 06 Wing Design
- 07 Aerodynamic of External and Removable items
- 08 Wind Tunnel Testing Technology
- 09 Wind Tunnel Measuring Techniques
- 10 Computational Acoustics
- 11 External Noise Prediction