Following the definition from SMART (Eureka program on advanced manufacturing) a set of technologies are needed for developing the factories of the future, in particular for the aeronautical industry. All those technologies are included in this class except the ones related with Advanced Manufacturing and, in particular Additive Manufacturing, that is included into 1-B-4.
The grand challenge to be solved by these technologies is to significantly reduce recurrent costs and lead times in aeronautical industry.
(Source: SMART Technology Roadmap for Aeronautical Industry)
Browsing taxonomies
Upper level
Sections at this level
- 1A-Flight Physics
- 1B-Aerostructures
- 1C-Propulsion & Power
- 1D-Aircraft avionic, systems & equipments
- 1E-Flight Mechanics
- 1F- Integrated design and validation (Methods and Tools)
- 1G- Air Traffic Management
- 1H-Airports
- 1I-Human Factors
- 1J-Innovative Concepts and Scenarios
- 1K-Unmanned Aerial System Technologies
- 1L Digital Industry / Industry 4.0