For determining and enhancing technology/component reliability and suitability for flight applications. Definition of radiation hardness assurance (RHA) requirements, modelling of particle interaction with matter and resulting radiation effects in components, including simulation of component parameter degradation – EEE and any other type of component like optoelectronic or magnetic ones -, characterisation of radiation effects in terms of technology and design-dependent basic mechanisms, radiation hardening/mitigation and radiation verification testing, including definition of irradiation test facility requirements and dosimetry.
(Source: ESA TD 23B and PAE own elaboration)
- Evaluation and Testing: Includes the development of laboratory techniques and test methods for characterisation, evaluation, qualification, de-rating, end-of-life, failure analysis and procurement of space components.
- Radiation Hardening: Process hardening, design hardening, mitigation techniques, verification and validation.
- Design and Development: Development and design of components adapted to the requirements for space applications and capable of meeting space component qualification requirements.
- Modelling: Simulation of component responses to radiation at semiconductor level, including simulation and prediction of component parameter degradation.
- RHA Process: Definition of RHA requirements and development of irradiation test method/guidelines.
- Reliability Test Facilities: Definition of test facilities for space, and in particular of irradiation test facility requirements covering particle species, energy, flux, beam size, uniformity and accuracy. Definition of dosimetry and dosimetry accuracy. Definition of all interfaces (mechanical and electrical) to enable irradiation testing of EEE components.
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