It is concentrated only on the effects on materials of the ground or space environment and the effects that materials may produce affecting inhabited environments (on ground and in space ones). The study of space environment and clean space requirements on space systems (including materials) is included into 1-M
(Source: ESA TD 24D and PAE own elaboration)
- Interaction of Materials with the Space Environment: Electromagnetic radiation from EUV to FIR, X-rays, particle radiation, vacuum, atomic oxygen, charging, contamination, synergistic effects, dust & particles, planetary gases…
- Interaction of Materials with the Ground Environment: Covering issues such as storage, logistics, corrosion, swelling.
- Interaction of Materials with the Inhabited Environment: Addressing safety- and performance-related issues affecting the inhabited environment such as toxicity, flammability, ….
Browsing taxonomies
Upper level
Sections at this level
- 01 Structural Design and Verification, Methods and Tools
- 02 Special & Advanced types of Structures
- 03 Damage Tolerance & Health Monitoring
- 04 Launcher, re-entry and planetary vehicle structures
- 05 Meteoroid & Debris protection (shield design and analysis)
- 06 Novel Materials & Materials Technology
- 07 Material Processes (including modelling of behaviour and properties and obsolescence)
- 08 Cleanliness & Sterilization
- 09 Space environments effects on materials & processes
- 10 Materials for Electronics Assemblies
- 11 Mechanisms engineering and core technology
- 12 Release mechanisms
- 13 Mechanisms control electronics
- 14 MEMS & special types of mechanisms