Aerodynamic Tunnel

General data

Polytechnic University of Valencia
Wind tunnel Professor Francisco Payri

Address: Camino de Vera s/n. Building 8R - Valencia - CP 46022

Contact person: Luis Miguel García-Cuevas González  -   email:



Open circuit and closed test chamber, with a section of 2.8 m x 2.8 m and 22 m long. Two watertight sections under the tunnel equipped for instrumentation placement, heavy anchorages or model positioners. Glass windows covering the side walls and roof in two areas: front with 5.5 m length and rear with 4.1 m length. Anchorages for models and instrumentation to the exterior metal structure on the walls, ceiling and floor throughout the test section. Cartesian positioning gantry for instrumentation.

Speed range

Up to 32 m/s

Test Section

2.8 m x 2.8 m, with a length of 22 m

Instrumentation for force and moment measurement

Load cells. Compact 6-axis scales. Propeller characterization equipment.

Instrumentation for pressure measurement

MicroDAQ 3 pressure scanner.

Flow velocity measurement instrumentation

Pitot-static anemometers, hot-wire CTA and laser doppler anemometry (LDA).

Instrumentation for aeroelastic testing

Scanning laser vibrometer.

Atmospheric boundary layer simulation capability


Minimum turbulence intensity(%)


Flow visualization methods

Smoke injection, tinted oil.

Tunnel test model building capability

In-house capacity through SLA resin printer, FFF printer, 4-axis CNC milling machine. External through partners.


Additional information

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Link to additional tunnel documentation

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