Discovery UAV
Address: Camino de las Chozas. Polygon 19, Parcel 140
City: 13300 Valdepeñas (Ciudad Real)
Contact: info@discoveryuav.com – Tel +34926648985
Who we are
Discovery UAV is the drone division of CNC BÁRCENAS. With more than 30 years of accumulated experience, Discovery UAV is a training entity and also a UAS operator, with capacity to provide theoretical and practical training of UAV pilots in the authorized categories and scenarios (STS), as well as to provide services to third parties using multiple UAVs, cameras, SW and own HW of the latest generation in technical inspections, cartography, photogrammetry, precision agriculture, ecological management, etc.
We have private flight facilities of more than 43,000 m2, including a 170×30m paved runway, meeting room, 200m2 hangar and all the necessary services for training, flight practice and experimental flights. They are located in a fenced, video-protected rural environment, with no air traffic and more than 250 dry days per year.
CNC BÁRCENAS is a private 100% Spanish company dedicated since 2009 to designing, manufacturing, and marketing computerized numerical control industrial machinery (www.cncbarcenas.com) and large format 3D printers (www.discovery3dprinter.com). We manufacture tailor-made machinery to meet the specific needs of our customers and offer a comprehensive E2E service comprising design, manufacture, supply, training, advice and after-sales technical support aimed at excellence. Our R&D, design, and manufacturing capabilities are the main added value and differential, the perfect complement to our Discovery UAV drone division, as we are able to provide on-demand UAV manufacturing, maintenance, and repair services, without dependence on third parties.
With its infrastructure and capabilities, Discovery UAV is the perfect technology partner to design, manufacture, test, certify and demonstrate VTOL and fixed-wing UAVs.
Location and airspace
Discovery UAV is located about 8 km from Valdepeñas in the direction of San Carlos del Valle, with private facilities in a rural environment far from urban centers.

Complete flight infrastructures, private, fenced, video-protected and provided with all services. We located 8 km from Valdepeñas, province of Ciudad Real (PKM 200 highway A4).

- Sustainable (photovoltaic solar energy) and multipurpose building with meeting room, kitchen, restrooms, garden area, ample parking, equipment and covered outdoor spaces for events, multimedia equipment (broadband connectivity, sound desk, TVs, etc.).
- Runway for VTOL and fixed-wing UAVs, asphalted, 170x30m, with the possibility of expansion.
- Hangar of 200m2 with complete workshop.
- Link to video with aerial view.
- Weather station for monitoring environmental conditions in all types of aviation safety applications
- Additional infrastructures at the CNC BÁRCENAS headquarters and production center, located in the city of Valdepeñas, with meeting and training rooms, technical and electronics office, large and fully equipped workshops with multiple manufacturing capabilities for prototypes, parts and molds of all sizes: small and large format 3D printers, milling machines for wood, plastic and metal machining, laser cutting and engraving machines, hot wire for 3D parts in FOAM, plasma cutting, etc.
- Extensive knowledge of flight control systems for UAVs.
- Team of highly experienced professional UAV pilots.